You may have run out of gas. Go to your meter and check how much credit you have. If the meter shows a negative amount you will need to top up your gas card. Take your gas card to your local top up point and add credit to your gas card.
Watch this helpful video which explains gas meters in more depth including how to top up your gas card.
2. Check consumer unit for tripped RCD
It may be that no power is going to the boiler because an RCD has tripped. Check that all the RCD switches are pointing in the same direction.
Watch this helpful video on consumer units and RCDs which includes how to switch the RCD back on.
3. Replace fuse in spur
The fuse may have blown. Please replace the fuse housed in the fused spur.
Watch this helpful video showing you how to safely change the fuse on a fused spur.
4. Reset boiler
The boiler may need resetting. To reset the boiler please watch the video.
5. Call Boiler Manufacturer
Many boiler manufacturers offer free help support and can solve the problem whilst you remain on the phone. Call the tel number on the front of the boiler during office hours.
6. Turn on other tap
It may be that the taps are incorrectly marked and the tap marked cold is in fact the hot tap.